
at Smokey Point Behavioral Hospital

We encourage friends and family visit their loved ones while receiving care at Smokey Point Behavioral Hospital. Information for visitors to know before visiting:
  • Due to the sensitive nature of the care we provide, and to protect our patient’s privacy, all visitors must have the patient ID and check in at the reception desk.
  • Visitation occurs on the unit or in our cafeteria with supervision by our staff.
  • If a visitor engages in disruptive behavior or wears inappropriate attire, he or she may be asked to leave.
  • Visitors are not allowed to give additional belongings to patients during visiting hours.
  • All additional belongings must be brought to the patient through the receptionist at the front desk.
  • If visitors are not be able to make it during designated visiting hours, special arrangements can may be made by talking with your loved one’s therapist.
  • Smokey Point only allows visitors over the age of 18.
  • Please limit visitors to two visitors per patient.
  • If you have any questions or concerns prior to visiting your loved one, please contact us at (360) 651-6400.

Patient Visitation Schedule

Adult Mental Health Program

Every day: 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Adolescent Mental Health Program

Every day: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

*Parents: Please be aware all visitors must be 18 years of age or older to visit a patient at Smokey Point Behavioral Hospital. Phone calls to family and friends under the age of 18 may be made during visiting hours.

Patient Phone Privileges

Phone calls for patients can be received between 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM. Patients may not make or receive calls during scheduled group times. Staff will be available to help patients make and receive calls while in treatment. Generally, patients can make and return phone calls during visitation times listed above. Calls will be limited to 10 minutes to ensure that all patients have access to the patient phones.

Patient Internet Privileges

Patients, regardless of age, will not have access to the internet during treatment.