Resolve to be Resolute in 2021

2021 opened its door a little more slowly and with a little more caution than the new year in years past. A pandemic, civil unrest and financial worries for many due to job loss are just a few of the major concerns that marked the start of our new year. Lots of us didn’t even close out the old year with any real sense of normalcy or of things familiar. Holiday parties for more than just a few were cancelled. Some family gatherings were zoomed. Our homes became our restaurants and our dress up clothes made way for comfy sweats and big cozy slippers. This strange start to our new year may have caused a shift in how we view the “old” idea of a New Year’s Resolution.

There are some resolution standards out there like: save more money, lose weight, or improve relationships. Some work a little harder and really think through the resolution process. Others make no resolutions at all.

This year consider being more resolute: defined as being admirably purposeful, unwavering and determined. Any one of these elements of being resolute can mean that 2021 has real meaning for you; perhaps changing the course of your health (physical and mental), relationships and general outlook on your life. Here are some areas that you might consider focusing on; choose the things you are willing to be resolute about.

Look at your finances in a new way. Although you may need to crunch a little harder at the numbers this year, be resolute about putting aside some dollars, even a small amount that is designed to be for you to spend in a way that would bring joy to your life. A small getaway vacation in the future, a manicure, a massage, something new for you or someone you love is spirit-lifting.

Bring creativity into your life with a new recipe, a new hobby, a new exercise program or do something you always wanted to try! Learning and creativity spark excitement.

Read, write, and listen to stories that warm your heart.

Find a way to exercise. Ever hear of couch potato exercising? It can have a real impact! Be resolute about getting up during commercials and moving with purpose. Jog in place, do some sit-ups or lift some weights. In a one-hour television show, that can mean 20 minutes of exercise. A few shows and you really have some movement time in your schedule.

Reduce stress by volunteering. Helping others helps us.

Focus on you! Your physical and mental health are important. If things start to feel shaky, don’t wait to get the help you need.

At Smokey Point Behavioral Hospital we are resolute about helping you. Our team is available 24/7 and all you have to do is make one call to 360-651-6400 for a free, confidential mental health assessment.