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Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – Substance Use Disorders – Adults 18 and Over

The Substance Use Disorders IOP is an outpatient addiction recovery program that provides a more structured, intensive level of care for individuals suffering from substance use and co-occurring disorders.

Individuals attending this specialized IOP program may be required to spend more hours per week in treatment, or receive more supervision, than they benefit from in other forms of outpatient programs.

The program allows individuals to continue to live at home, go to work or school while continuing with their intensive treatment. Some may begin with an intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment program, or may be a part of step-down care following inpatient treatment.

Regardless of when someone enters IOP treatment, it can be a valuable part of a person’s recovery journey.

Upon admission, there will be an initial screening performed so that a skilled treatment team consisting of mental healthcare practitioners, treatment professionals, doctors, nurse practitioners, and therapists can oversee the treatment regimen for each client. They work with each client to create an intensive outpatient drug treatment plan based on the initial screening and individual needs. Below are services offered in this program:

Group Counseling

Intensive outpatient treatment, and other forms of addiction treatment, often use group therapy to enhance positive, healthy behaviors, develop communication skills, introduce structure and provide guidance. Groups can focus on different aspects of recovery, such as addiction education, relapse prevention, stress management, coping skills, life skills, interpersonal process and support.

Individual Therapy

During individual therapy, a person will work with their therapist to uncover underlying issues that influence drug or alcohol misuse and create new patterns of behavior. 

Medication Management

Medication can be effective in helping a person through withdrawal, promoting abstinent behaviors by decreasing cravings, blocking the desired effects of substances or treating co-occurring mental health conditions that may contribute to substance abuse. Medication can also be prescribed to treat some physical ailments caused by addiction.

Drug and Alcohol Detoxification

The detox process is an important first phase of treatment for addiction. However, detox alone is not typically sufficient treatment for a person to maintain long-term abstinence and recovery. It’s important for you and the treatment team at the intensive outpatient program to discuss continuing care after the detox phase.

Who Can Benefit from an IOP Treatment Program?

If an individual is considering intensive outpatient treatment, it’s important to remember that no matter what type of treatment they choose, individualized care is key to promoting long-term abstinence and recovery. Additionally, the treatment team should continue to evaluate one’s progress in order to readjust the treatment plan as needed. This may mean stepping down care to less intensive treatment or stepping up into a more structured and supportive environment.

In general, factors that make someone a good fit for an IOP therapy program include people with:

  • A strong support system at home, work and in the community
  • Stability in their home
  • Lower risk of relapse when returning home
  • Comfort working in group settings
  • No risk of severe withdrawal symptoms
  • Jobs or school responsibilities that require flexibility with their schedule

Call our Intake Department to register at (360) 939-7230